Security Campaign

For over 50 years, the talmidim of Har Etzion have been putting their lives on the line for the safety of the Jewish people in the Jewish land, while ensuring that our survival is not merely physical but spiritually meaningful – based in a commitment to the eternal values of Torah and mitzvot.

Yeshivat Har Etzion has hundreds of students serving in the IDF, including over 40 lone soldiers, and thousands of alumni on the front lines. Similarly, over 300 students and alumnae of The Stella K. Abraham Beit Midrash for Women at Migdal Oz are serving in the IDF and National Service, while others are contributing on the civilian front. In parallel, they have dedicated themselves to increasing their Torah learning, prayers, and spiritual commitment.

While our students work to ensure the spiritual strength and physical security of the Jewish people, we must address the urgent need to strengthen their personal security.

Please help us by contributing to our Security Campaign.  The funds raised will go directly towards the necessary security upgrades on both the men’s and women’s campuses, including upgraded technology, fences, radar, and more.  

We need your support now more than ever!