The ISRAEL KOSCHITZKY VBM TORAT HAR ETZION In the early 1990’s, Yeshivat Har Etzion recognized the Internet’s potential to spread Torah, and launched the trailblazing Israel Koschitzky Virtual Beit Midrash – one of the first and still the best in-depth text-based Torah resource on the web. Under the guidance of its director Rabbi Ezra Bick and editor-in-chief Rabbi Reuven Ziegler, the VBM has grown into an educational powerhouse offering twenty-five annual courses in English and Hebrew, free of charge, to tens of thousands of students across the globe. Thus far, the VBM’s unparalleled courses in Halakha, Talmud, Tanakh and Machshava have resulted in an astonishing 108 published books. This year we have again added hundreds of new shiurim to the VBM sote, including many discussing the halakhic and spiritual implications of the was in which we are currently embroiled. Addressing both scholarly and practical issues, these shiurim assist our audience to better understand the spiritual aspects of their lives. We are also working on making the search functions more user friendly and integrating advanced search techniques using AI.